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The core cybersecurity tools which protect our business functions, network architectures and information assets from cyber threats rely almost exclusively on cryptographic tools and standards that will be broken by emerging quantum technologies.
In December 2016, the NIST 15 has initiated a process to develop and standardize additional public-key cryptographic algorithms, resilient to quantum computers, in order to maintain reliable information systems and protect our security and privacy chain (confidentiality, integrity, authentications and signature schemes). One of the goals of the Cybersecurity Institute is to evaluate and improve different quantum-safe NIST candidates and to develop hardware quantum-safe crypto primitives “secure by design” for both low-cost and/or low-power devices.
In the field of cryptography, our research interests also focus on:
  • symmetric encryption
  • cryptographic mechanisms and security models
  • secure distributed computations
  • zero-knowledge protocols
  • blockchain technology
  • random number generation
  • detection of image falsification

 Explore our research demos in cryptography

MPHELL: Multi-Precision (Hyper) Elliptic Curve Library

MPHELL is a versatile new ECC library written in C, based on unified arithmetic, with a strong focus on protection against simple power analysis and featuring an abstract layer for easy customizations. It has been extensively tested on x86-64 (mainly 64-bit architectures), ARM 32 and 64 bits, and STM32 architectures, and is used in real-world applications. Our library supports standard elliptic curves and offers the flexibility to use curves in various settings such as Weierstrass form in co-Z coordinates, Jacobi quartic, or Edwards forms, along with their associated conversion functions. The number arithmetic used in MPHELL is derived from GMP, can be easily customized, and includes enhancements using Montgomery representation, windowing techniques, and, since V5.0, AMNS (Adapted Modular Number System).

To learn more about MPHELL and explore its capabilities, please follow the link: MPHELL: Multi-Precision (Hyper) Elliptic Curve Library.

For a comprehensive list of our publications on the subject, please refer to this link.

Submitted on March 28, 2024

Updated on July 18, 2024