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Cryptography: Publications & Conferences


  • Ph. Elbaz-Vincent, E. Marcatel. Floating-point LLL-reduction for Hermitian lattices
  • M. Dutour Sikiric, Ph. Elbaz-Vincent, A. Kupers, J. Martinet. Voronoi complexes in higher dimensions, cohomology of GL_N(Z) for N>=8 and the triviality of K_8(Z)
    J. Institut Mathématique de Jussieu
  • C. Henin and D. Le Métayer. A Multi-layered Approach for Interactive Black-box Explanations
  • Kassem, A., Falcone, Y. & Lafourcade, P. Form Methods Syst Des 51, 117–153 (2017).
    Formal Methods Syst. Des. 51(1): 117-153 (2017)
  • Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Pascal Lafourcade, Treize Défis de cybersécurité :  La sécurité de bitcoin et des blockchains
    Treize Défis de cybersécurité, sous la direction de Gildas Avoine et Marc-Olivier Killijian, CNRS éditions, juin 2020, pages 213--232.1
  • Xavier Bultel, Jannik Dreier, Jean-Guillaume Dumas et Pascal Lafourcade, A Faster Cryptographer's Conspiracy Santa
    Theoretical Computer Science, volume 839, pages 122--134, novembre 2020.
  • MPHELL: Multi-Precision (Hyper) ELliptic curve Library, The MPHELL Team, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Institut Fourier. 2019-2020
  • Mathieu Dutour Sikiric, Philippe Elbaz-Vincent, Alexander Kupers, Jacques Martinet. VORONOI COMPLEXES IN HIGHER DIMENSIONS, COHOMOLOGY OF GLN(Z) FOR N?8 AND THE TRIVIALITY OF K8(Z). 2019
  • Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Pascal Lafourcade, Francis Melemedjian, Jean-Baptiste Orfila & Pascal Thoniel, LocalPKI: An Interoperable and IoT Friendly PKI,
    Communications in Computer and Information Science. Volume 990, pages 224--252, Feb 2019
  • Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Pascal Lafourcade, Julio Ernesto López Fenner, David Lucas, Jean-Baptiste Orfila, Clément Pernet & Maxime Puys, Secure Multi-Party Matrix Multiplication Based on Strassen-Winograd Algorithm,
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Advances in Information and Computer Security, Volume 11689, pages 67--88, Springer 2019
  • Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Pascal Lafourcade, Daiki Miyahara, Takaaki Mizuki, Atsuki Nagao, Tatsuya Sasaki & Hideaki Sone, Interactive Physical Zero-Knowledge Proof for Norinori,
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 11653, pages 166--177, Springer 2019


  • Pierre Karpman, Charlotte Lefevre, Time-Memory tradeoffs for large-weight syndrome decoding in ternary codes
    International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public-Key Cryptography 2022 — PKC 2022. 7–11 March 2022, Yokohama, Japan
  • T. Coladon, Ph. Elbaz-Vincent, C. Hugounenq. MPHELL : A fast and robust library with unified and versatile arithmetics for elliptic curves cryptography
    IEEE ARITH 2021
  • Ph. Elbaz-Vincent, E. Marcatel. An extension of the fpLLL library to Hermitian lattices
    ISSAC 2021
  • Ph. Elbaz-Vincent, M. TraoréRevisiting the Pervasiveness of Weak Keys in Network Devices
    IEEE WTMC 2021 (co-located with S&P 2021)
  • A. Ali Pour, A. Papadimitriou, V. Beroulle, E. Aerabi and D. Hély. On the Performance of Non-Profiled Differential Deep Learning Attacks against an AES Encryption Algorithm Protected using a Correlated Noise Generation based Hiding Countermeasure
    2020 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), Grenoble, France, 2020, pp. 614-617,
  • A. Ali Pour et al.PUF Enrollment and Life Cycle Management: Solutions and Perspectives for the Test Community
    2020 IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS), Tallinn, Estonia, pp. 1-10,
  • Nicolas Bordes et Pierre Karpman. Fast verification of masking schemes in characteristic two
    EUROCRYPT 2021
  • Nicolas Bordes, Joan Daemen, Daniël Kuijsters, Gilles Van Assche. Thinking Outside the Superbox
    CRYPTO 2021
  • L. Demir, M. Thiery, V. Roca, J.-M. Tenkes and J.-L. Roch. Optimizing dm-crypt for XTS-AES: Getting the Best of Atmel Cryptographic Co-Processors
    SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (conferences without proceedings)
  • Philippe Elbaz-Vincent, Cyril Hugounenq, Sébastien Riou. SPAE a mode of operation for AES on low-cost hardware
    WRACH, 2019
  • Mathieu Dutour Sikiric, Philippe Elbaz-Vincent, Alexander Kupers, Jacques Martinet. Voronoi complexes in higher dimensions, cohomology of GLN(Z) for N>=8 and the triviality of K8(Z). 2019
  • Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Joris van der Hoeven, Clément Pernet & Daniel S. Roche, LU factorization with errors,
    ISSAC 2019 : ACM International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computations, Beijing, China, July 15-18, 2019
  • Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Pascal Lafourcade, Julio Ernesto López Fenner, David Lucas, Jean-Baptiste Orfila, Clément Pernet & Maxime Puys, Secure Multi-Party Matrix Multiplication Based on Strassen-Winograd Algorithm,
    IWSEC 2019 : 14th International Workshop on Security, Tokyo, Japan, August 29-30, 2019
  • Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Pascal Lafourcade, Daiki Miyahara, Takaaki Mizuki, Atsuki Nagao, Tatsuya Sasaki & Hideaki Sone, Interactive Physical Zero-Knowledge Proof for Norinori,
    COCOON 2019 : 25th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, Xian, China, July 29-31, 2019

Submitted on March 26, 2024

Updated on May 3, 2024