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Social Impact & Regulation: Publications & Conferences


  • Christine Hennebert; Florian Barrois. Is the blockchain a relevant technology for the industry 4.0?
    Blockchain, Robotics and AI for Networking Security Conference (BRAINS), Sep 2020 Paris
  • Sophie Coutor, Christine Hennebert, Mourad Faher. Blockchain et identification numérique
    Livre blanc publié par le Ministère de l’intérieur (France, 2021)
  • Alfieri E., Burlacu R., Enjolras G.La Blockchain, un outil innovant au service du financement des entreprises
    Recherche en Sciences de Gestion-Management Sciences-Ciencias de Gestión
  • Ahmad Chokor, Elise Alfieri. Long and short-term Impacts of Regulation in the Cryptocurrency Market
    The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
  • T. Karathanasis. European Union Artificial Intelligence regulation: facing the challenge of a technologically neutral policy
    European Cybersecurity Journal (volume 7 issue 1), 2021
  • T. Karathanasis. Sanctioning Practices and the Case of Turkey’s Foreign Policy in Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Making of EU’s ‘Normative Power’ a Credible Threat
    Journal of Global Affairs
  • F. Terpan. EU-US Data Transfer from Safe Harbour to Privacy Shield: Back to the Square One?
    European Papers, Vol. 3, n°3, 2018, pp. 1045-1059
  • L. Guilloud-Colliat, F. Terpan. France: The Paradox of Constitutional Adaptability in a Member State Running Budget Excessive Deficits
    Member States constitutions and fiscal and monetary integration, H2020 EMU Choices, Hart Publishing, 2021
  • S. Saurugger, F. Terpan. Integration through (case) law in the context of the Euro area and Covid-19 crises: courts and monetary answers to crises
    Journal of European Integration Volume 42, 2020
  • Fabien TERPAN et al.Le Privacy Shield et l’échange de données entre l’Union européenne et les Etats-Unis
    in C. Chevallier-Govers (Dir.), L’échange des données dans l’espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice, Mare et Martin, 2017, pp.297-314.
  • S. Saurugger, F. Terpan. Normative transformations in the European Union: on hardening and softening law
    West European Politics Volume 44, 2021
  • Fabien TERPAN, Elaine Fahey. Torn between institutionalisation and judicialisation: the demise of the EU-US privacy shield
    Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, Vol. 28 #2 (Spring 2021)
  • Ponsot Jean-François. Monnaies numériques, confiance et souveraineté
    Banque & Stratégie, Dossier : Crypto-actifs, stablecoins, monnaies numériques de banque centrale… La monnaie se métamorphose. N°400, mars 2021
  • Ponsot Jean-François, Virginie Monvoisin. The Macroeconomic Dimension of Money
    H. Bougrine & L.-P. Rochon (dir.), Credit, Money and Crises in Post-Keynesian Economics. A Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Marc Lavoie and Mario Seccareccia, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, MA, USA, pp.84-96
  • Faudot, Adrien. Les déterminants de la domination internationale du dollar
    Questions internationales, n° 102, pp. 25-33.
  • Riganelli O., Micucci D., Mariani L., Falcone Y. (2017)Verifying Policy Enforcers
    In: Lahiri S., Reger G. (eds) Runtime Verification. RV 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10548. Springer, Cham.
  • F. Viangalli, "La protection du nom de domaine contre l'usurpation internationale."
    Revue Lamy de droit de l'immatériel, May 2020, p. 50
  • D. Deschaux-Dutard,” Can EU cope with cyber war ? Potential and limits of the EU as a cyber defence actor ?”,
    Chapitre d'ouvrage in Chantall Lavallée, Raluca Csertoni, Antonio Calcara, The European Governance of Emerging Security Technologies, Routlegde, 2020
  • D. Deschaux-Dutard, L’Union européenne, une cyber-puissance en devenir ?
    Revue Internationale et Stratégique n°117, April 2020
  • Fabien Terpan, Sabine Saurugger, "Soft and hard law in times of crisis: budget monitoring, migration and cybersecurity",
    West European Politics, 2020
  • D. Deschaux-Dutard,” Can EU cope with cyber war ? Potential and limits of the EU as a cyber defence actor ?”,
    Chapitre d'ouvrage in Chantall Lavallée, Raluca Csertoni, Antonio Calcara, The European Governance of Emerging Security Technologies, Routlegde, 2020
  • Karine Bannelier, “De la 5G aux débats sur le hack-back, des initiatives européennes aux négociations au sein de l’ONU : quels enjeux pour la régulation de la cyber-sécurité en 2020? ”,
    Sécurité et Défense magazine, Jan 2020
  • Delphine Deschaux-Dutard, The EU faced with cyber challenges. Potentials and limits of the EU cybersecurity architecture,
    In C. Lavallée, R. Csernatoni, A. Calcara (eds), The European Governance of Emerging Security Technologies. (Under review, forthcoming in 2019).
  • Elise Alfieri, Geoffroy Enjolras, Radu Burlacu, On the nature and financial performance of Bitcoin,
    Journal of Risk Finance
  • Karine Bannelier, Obligations de diligence dans le cyberespace : qui a peur de la Cyber-diligence ?,
    Revue Belge de droit international 2018
  • Karine Bannelier, Rien que la lex lata? Etude critique du Manuel de Tallinn 2.0 sur le droit international applicable aux cyber-opérations,
    Annuaire Français de Droit International 2017


  • Christine Hennebert. A first Step towards a Protection Profile for the Security Evaluation of Consensus Mechanisms
    International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS), décembre 2020
  • Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Sonia Jimenez-Garcès, Florentina ?oiman. Blockchain technology and crypto-assets market analysis: vulnerabilities and risk assessment
    Proceedings of The 12th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics (IMCIC 2021)
  • Elaine Fahey, Fabien Terpan, Between Institutionalisation and Judicialisation? Studying the Implementation of the Privacy Shield
    26th international conference of europeanists, Council for European Studies, Madrid, 2020
  • D. Deschaux-Dutard, EU Cybersecurity and Cyberdefence Policy : Can We Cope Facing Cyber Threats ?
    UACES Conference, Cracovie, 4-6 septembre 2017
  • Karine Bannelier, “Cyber Security and the Debates on the Principle of Sovereignty”, By Passing Sovereignty: Enforcing Rules in the Cyberspace,
    Sovereignty: A Concept in Flux, European Society of International Law Annual Conference, Athens, 12-14 september 2019
  • Karine Bannelier, “Intelligence and Cyber Norms”,
    The Hague Program for Cyber norms, Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University, La Haye, 17-18 april 2019
  • Sabine Saurugger and Fabien Terpan, Explaining the Transformations of Law - the Cases of Migration, Cybersecurity and Economic Governance,
    Workshop on Normative Transformations in the EU, Grenoble, 18-19 october 2018
  • Karine Bannelier, Between Certainty and Flexibility : Obligations of Conduct and Variability Factors in the Due Diligence Principle,
    CyCon X : Maximizing Effects, 10th International Conference on Cyber Conflict, NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE), Tallinn, May 30th – June 1st 2018
  • Theodore Christakis, Law Enforcement Cross-border Access to Data and Human Rights,
    CyCon X : Maximizing Effects, 10th International Conference on Cyber Conflict, NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE), Tallinn, May 30th – June 1st 2018
  • Sabine Saurugger and Fabien Terpan, Explaining the Transformations of Law - the Cases of Migration, Cybersecurity and Economic Governance,
    Standing Group on European Union, European Consortium of Political Research, Paris, 12-14 April 2018
  • Sabine Saurugger and Fabien Terpan, Explaining the Transformations of Law - the Cases of Migration, Cybersecurity and Economic Governance,
    25th international conference of europeanists, Chicago, 28-30 March 2018
  • Karine Bannelier, How to Use International Law to Shape Responsible State Behavior in Cyber Space,
    Expert Level Round Table: Shaping Responsible State Behavior in Cyber Space, The German Marshall Fund of the United States, Paris, Maison de l’Amérique Latine, February 13th 2018
  • Karine Bannelier and Theodore Christakis, Masterclass. Regulation of Cyber-Attacks after the Failure of the UN GGE and Wannacry,
    10th International Forum on Cybersecurity (FIC 2018), Lille, January 23rd - 24th 2018
  • Delphine Deschaux-Dutard, EU Cybersecurity and Cyberdefence Policy : Can We Cope Facing Cyber Threats?,
    UACES Conference, Krakow, September 4th - 6th 2017 (represented)

Submitted on March 26, 2024

Updated on March 26, 2024