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[EVENT] Global Challenges Science Week

Conférence / Recherche

From June 3, 0209 to June 6, 2019

The Global Challenges Science Week 2019 is a major event gathering more than 700 French and international scientists, PhD students, experts as well as public and private stakeholders. They will share the latest research results, debate about transdisciplinary issues, and discuss opportunities to set up new international collaborations to tackle the main 21st century challenges.

During the Global Challenges Science Week, the Grenoble Alpes Cybersecurity Institute will organize a workshop entitled "Cybersecurity and society: on the necessity of an interdisciplinary approach".

About the workshop

Although the solution to the issue of cybersecurity has long been considered only from a technical point of view, the recent multiplication of incidents across the world has brought out a complex ecosystem of states and private actors with sometimes different incentives as well as the need for people to draft a set of laws and regulations matching the specificity of cyberspace. The goal of this workshop is to emphasize the necessity of an interdisciplinary approach to cybersecurity through three research topics of the Cybersecurity Institute: the concept of sustainable cybersecurity, the relationships between IA and trust and finally the issue of hack-back by private actors.

Sustainable cybersecurity and lifecycle management - June 3rd 2019

Today, digital technologies are omnipresent and their lifetime varies depending on the environment in which they are deployed: replaced after only a few years for individuals (smartphones, home automation), some products can remain in use for several decades - especially in the industry where the cost of deploying new solutions (or even updates) has a deterrent effect on the regular renewal of critical equipments. Meanwhile, recent cyberattacks targeting (apparently) harmless smart devices, or industrial systems (Stuxnet), have shown that cybersecurity is a challenge for modern technology as a whole and - as such - has become a societal issue. Like the concept of Sustainable Development initiated in the late 80s, the goal of this workshop is to study the integration of cybersecurity as a key element throughout the development and the life-cycle of any technological product.

Building trust in AI, building trust with AI - June 3rd 2019

While algorithms are hardly a recent invention, they are nevertheless increasingly involved in systems used to support decision making. Algorithmic decision systems often rely on AI and the analysis of large amounts of personal data to infer correlations or, more generally, to derive information deemed useful to make decisions. Human intervention in the decision-making may vary, and may even be completely out of the loop in entirely automated systems. In any situations, the impact of the decision on people can be significant, such as: access to credit, employment, medical treatment, judicial sentences, etc. Entrusting algorithmic decision systems to make or to influence such decisions raises a variety of different ethical, political, legal, or technical issues. If they are neglected, the expected benefits of these systems may be counterbalanced by the variety of risks for individuals (e.g. discrimination, unfair practices, loss of autonomy), the economy (e.g. unfair practices, limited access to markets) and society as a whole (e.g. manipulation, threat to democracy).
To enhance trust in algorithmic decision systems it is necessary to ensure their transparency, explainability and fairness as well as their security and privacy. This workshop will gather a set of international experts to discuss how to embed these properties into algorithmic decision systems.

  • Measuring the Facebook advertising ecosystem - Oana Goga - CNRS, Université Grenoble Alpes
  • On Machine-Aided Human Decision Making - Krisna Gummadi - MPI, Saarbrucken
  • A survey of methods for explaining black box models - Dino Pedreschi - University of Pisa
  • Legibility of AI in the GDPR and other legal safeguards in the EU Member States - Gianclaudio Malgieri - Free University of Brussels
  • Understanding algorithmic decision-making: Opportunities and challenges (study for the European Parliament) - Claude Castelluccia, Research Director - Inria, Grenoble - Daniel Le Métayer, Research Director - Inria, Grenoble

Private Actors’ Self-Help in the Cyberspace - June 5th 2019

Facing a dramatic increase in cyber-attacks, the private sector has developed a broad range of cyber-security capabilities and services, from digital infrastructure security measures to active cyber defense and hack-back. Think Tanks, especially with an Anglo-Saxon background, have argued that active cyber-defense measures taken by the private sector should be accepted and put in place. However, arguments that tend to praise the role of the private sector in this regard reflect a genuine distrust against State actors which are considered to be either unwilling or unable to defend the private sector. According to Carnegie Endowment for International Peace the security of the private sector today is a matter of “self-help”, namely “a private actor’s actions taken to protect its assets without recourse to the law enforcement”. These initiatives that question the respective roles of the State and of the private actors in the management of cyber threats are in contrast with more cautious approaches, such as that of the recent Paris Call for Trust & Security in Cyberspace, which asks that steps be taken “to prevent non-State actors, including the private sector, from hacking-back, for their own purposes or those of other non-State actors”. The objective of this panel is to address different issues raised by Active Cyber Defense and the theory of ‘self-help’ and to question how to build a new and efficient partnership between public and private actors in order to reach a sustainable and acceptable level of cybersecurity.

  • Karine Bannelier - Université Grenoble Alpes
  • Laurent Bernat - OECD
  • Théodore Christakis - Université Grenoble Alpes
  • Wyatt Hoffman - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
  • Yuval Shany - Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Nicholas Tsagourias - University of Sheffield


From June 3, 0209 to June 6, 2019

Submitted on May 3, 2024

Updated on May 3, 2024