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Cybersecurity and Privacy: Publications & Conferences


  • Sophie Coutor, Christine Hennebert, Mourad Faher,
    "Blockchain et identification numérique",
    Publication par le ministère de l'intérieur,
    hal-03319516, version 1, Informatique [cs]/Architectures Matérielles [cs.AR],
  • François Viangalli. Le règlement européen du 29 juin 2019 sur les services d'intermédiation en ligne : de la loyauté commerciale à la transparence algorithmique
    Revue Lamy de droit de l'immatériel, 2020, 175, p. 48 ;
  • A. Boutet, C. Castelluccia, M. Cunche, A. Dmitrienko, V. Iovino, M. Miettinen, T. Nguyen, V. Roca, A.-R. Sadeghi, S. Vaudenay, I. Visconti and M. Vuagnoux. Contact Tracing by Giant Data Collectors: Opening Pandora's Box of Threats to Privacy, Sovereignty and National Security
  • C. Castelluccia, N. Bielova, A. Boutet, M. Cunche, C. Lauradoux, D. Le Métayer and V. Roca.DESIRE: A Third Way for a European Exposure Notification System Leveraging the best of centralized and decentralized systems
  • R. Kerkouche, G. Ács and C. Castelluccia. Federated Learning in Adversarial Settings
  • C. Castelluccia. From Dataveillance to Datapulation : The Dark Side of Targeted Persuasive Technologies
  • C. Castelluccia and D. Le Métayer. Impact Analysis of Facial Recognition: Towards a Rigorous Methodology
  • M. Cunche, A. Boutet, C. Castelluccia, C. Lauradoux and V. Roca. On using Bluetooth-Low-Energy for contact tracing
  • A. Boutet, N. Bielova, C. Castelluccia, M. Cunche, C. Lauradoux, D. Le Métayer and V. Roca.Proximity Tracing Approaches - Comparative Impact Analysis
  • C. Castelluccia, N. Bielova, A. Boutet, M. Cunche, C. Lauradoux, D. Le Métayer and V. Roca. ROBERT: ROBust and privacy-presERving proximity Tracing
  • M. Toth, N. Bielova, C. Santos, V. Roca and C. Matte. Contribution to the public consultation on the CNIL's draft recommendation on "cookies and other trackers"
  • V. Roca and A. Begen. Forward Error Correction (FEC) Framework Extension to Sliding Window Codes
    TSVWG (Transport Area) working group of IETF – RFC 8680
  • V. Roca and B. Teibi. Sliding Window Random Linear Code (RLC) Forward Erasure Correction (FEC) Schemes for FECFRAME
    RFC 8681
  • M. Saito, M. Matsumoto, V. Roca and E. Baccelli. TinyMT32 Pseudorandom Number Generator (PRNG)
    RFC 8682
  • Florentina Soiman, Mathis Mourey, Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Sonia Jimenez-Garces. The forking effect
  • François Viangalli, Des données à la responsabilité : de l’anonymisation à l’attaque par réidentification
    Revue Lamy de Droit de l'immatériel, 2020, n° 173, p.40
  • Cedric Lauradoux et al., Pseudonymisation Techniques and Best Practices -- Recommendations on shaping technology according to data protection and privacy provisions, October 2019


  • C. Hennebert and F. Barrois,
    "Is the blockchain a relevant technology for the industry 4.0?,"
    2020 2nd Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS), 2020, pp. 212-216,
    doi: 10.1109/BRAINS49436.2020.9223290.
  • C. Hennebert,
    "A first Step towards a Protection Profile for the Security Evaluation of Consensus Mechanisms,"
    2020 7th International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS), 2020, pp. 1-6,
    doi: 10.1109/IOTSMS52051.2020.9340216.
  • Dylan Paulin, Christine Hennebert, Thibault Franco-Rondisson, Romain Jayles, Thomas Loubier, Raphaël Collado,
    "HistoTrust: ethereum-based attestation of a data history built with OP-TEE and TPM",
    In proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security, (FPS)
    8-10 december 2021, Paris, France
  • Priyadarshini, Simon Greiner, Maike Massierer, Oum-El-Kheir Aktouf, A Method for Identifying Inconsistencies between Functional Safety and Cybersecurity of Autonomous Vehicles
    CARS (EDCCw) 2021, 6th International Workshop on Critical Automotive Applications: Robustness & Safety, September 13, 2021. Munich, Germany. Virtual
  • Boniface (C.), Fouad (I.), Bielova (N.), Lauradoux (C.) & Santos (C.)Security Analy-sis of Subject Access Request Procedures. How to authenticate data subjects safely when they request for their data.
    APF 2019 - Annual Privacy Forum, Jun 2019, Rome, Italy. pp.1-20
  • G. Kessibi, M. Cunche, A. Boutet, C. Castelluccia, C. Lauradoux and V. Roca. Analysis of Diagnosis Key distribution mechanism in contact tracing applications based on Google-Apple Exposure Notification (GAEN) framework
  • C. Santos, M. Nouwens, M. Toth, N. Bielova, V. Roca. Consent Management Platforms under the GDPR: processors and/or controllers?
    9th Annual Privacy Forum (APF'21)
  • Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Michael Hanling, Mélanie de Jonghe, Aude Maignan, Clément Pernet, et Daniel S. Roche, Dynamic proofs of retrievability with low server storage, USENIX Security 2021 : 30th USENIX Security Symposium, virtual event, 18 pages, 11--13 Août 2021.
  • Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Sonia Jimenez Garces et Florentina ?oiman, Blockchain technology and the cryptomarket: vulnerabilities and risk assessment, IMCIC 2021 : 12th International Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics,, pages 30--37, Orlando, USA, 9--12 Mars 2021.
  • Gaspard Anthoine, Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Michael Hanling, Mélanie de Jonghe, Aude Maignan, Clément Pernet, et Daniel S. Roche, Dynamic proofs of retrievability with low server storage.
    The 26th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS'19) 11-15 novembre 2019, London, UK.
  • Coline Boniface, Imane Fouad, Nataliia Bielova, Cédric Lauradoux, Cristiana Santos, Security Analysis of Subject Access Request procedures, Annual Privacy Forum 2019, Rome, Italy, June 12-14 2019

Submitted on March 26, 2024

Updated on March 26, 2024